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Cultural difference across school and home of children with foreign cultural background: Cultural Orientation Framework

<p>Abstract<br />This paper employs &ldquo;Cultural orientation framework&rdquo; to explain the cultural difference across the school and home of four girls with foreign culture. Mistrust emerged between the school and the parents when outdoor school activity had been discriminated from the indoor and the girls used to be absent on the excursion days. The teachers&rsquo; immediate solution was to question the validity of the illness the girls submitted after the excursion. Additionally, the teachers became frustrated with not being communicated openly if there was a standpoint. Neither the schedule had not been adhered nor the teachers were informed in a good time the girls&rsquo; absence from the excursion.</p>

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Theory of Change: A competing development approach

<p>people who design evaluations is expected to select an approach that allows the organization to learn from the interventions&rsquo; success and failure. In other words, a good evaluation system should start at early stage when a new intervention is being designed, keeping in mind that the evaluation system and the program design are closely connected.</p> <p>Author Ibrahim H. Saed</p>

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Community Based Flood Early Warning System: A case study on Dumangas in Philippine

<p>It has become visible that one disaster may completely damage the fruits of decades of development activities. The impacts of natural disaster attracted the attention of development practitioners. Because it is not only that it victimizes severely vulnerable groups in a society such as women, children and elder and poor people, but it disrupts development efforts and investments</p> <p>Author: Ibrahim. H Saed</p>

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Questioning Big Data: Crowdsourcing crisis data towards an inclusive humanitarian response

The aim of this paper is to critically explore whether crowdsourced Big Data enables an inclusive humanitarian response at times of crisis. We argue that all data, including Big Data, are socially constructed artefacts that reflect the contexts and processes of their creation. 

Author: Femke Mulder, Julie Ferguson, Peter Groenewegen, Kees Boersma and Jeroen Wolbers


The aim of this paper is to critically explore whether crowdsourced Big Data enables an inclusive humanitarian response at times of crisis. We argue that all data, including Big Data, are socially constructed artefacts that reflect the contexts and processes of their creation. To support our argument, we qualitatively analysed the process of ‘Big Data making’ that occurred by way of crowdsourcing through open data platforms, in the context of two specific humanitarian crises, namely the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. We show that the process of creating Big Data from local and global sources of knowledge entails the transformation of information as it moves from one distinct group of contributors to the next. The implication of this transformation is that locally based, affected people and often the original ‘crowd’ are excluded from the information flow, and from the interpretation process of crowdsourced crisis knowledge, as used by formal responding organizations, and are marginalized in their ability to benefit from Big Data in support of their own means. Our paper contributes a critical perspective to the debate on participatory Big Data, by explaining the process of in and exclusion during data making, towards more responsive humanitarian relief.

Keywords:Disaster, crowdsourcing, Nepal, Haiti, humanitarian, Big Data

Posted: 2022-04-20 12:06:40 Back home

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